Foodie Bucket List

My ongoing foodie bucket list. Some big, some small.

  1. Learn to make Chinese soup. A nourishing tonic.
  2. Hold a cheese and wine tasting party. Bitch and wine.
  3. Over eat at a steamboat. Mid-winter with the family.
  4. Send The Koala to work with hot lunches.
  5. Make lasagna. Once or twice.
  6. Cook with squid ink. Squid ink pasta.
  7. Hold a mid-winter feast at home.
  8. Glaze a ham. At Christmas and on my birthday.
  9. Make pesto. Macadamia pesto.
  10. Make polenta. Grits.
  11. Make Oysters Kilpatrick. Yum and then a variation.
  12. Cook duck. With sticky cherry sauce.
  13. Eat a flower. Lavender.
  14. Forage something and cook with it. Onion weed dumplings, scrambled eggs and potato cakes.
  15. Make Vietnamese spring rolls. Summer rolls with peanut sauce.
  16. Have a picnic. At a black sand beach.
  17. Make sangria. White and red sangria.
  18. Catch a fish.
  19. Deal to a freshly caught fish. Caught by our neighbour.
  20. Visit a new farmers’ market. Parnell and Grey Lynn.
  21. Prepare a raw meal. Two courses.
  22. Grow mint and a lime tree and make mojitos.
  23. Go strawberry picking.
  24. Prepare Ika Mata (raw fish salad). Rich and creamy with tuna.
  25. Make and edible gift for Christmas. Baked puffs of yum.
  26. Join a CSA group. Ooooby.
  27. Roll sushi. Three kinds.
  28. Brew lemon ice tea.
  29. Make ice cream. Russian fudge ice cream.
  30. Cook ribs. Sweet and gingery.
  31. Do something with rhubarb. Hand pies.
  32. Make bacon. Smoked it.
  33. Experience a degustation. An anniversary treat.
  34. Cook a big pot of chili. Yum.
  35. Make cornbread. Yup.
  36. Make Cornish pasties. Not once but twice.
  37. Do something with eggplant. Ew.
  38. Make Tom Yum. In Thailand.
  39. Make a chowder. With fish heads.
  40. Make a feijoa preserve. Curd.
  41. Make Spaghetti alla Puttanesca. Apocalypse spaghetti is for sluts.
  42. Cook curry goat. Warming and full of flavour.
  43. Tame an ugly root. Cook celeriac.
  44. Make French Onion Soup. A warming winter treat.
  45. Host a dumpling wrapping party
  46. Make pork roast with crackling. The hair dryer method works.
  47. Have a fondue party. Cheese and chocolate fondue with tips.
  48. Make biryani. Fragrantly spiced lamb biryani.
  49. Butterscotch. Butterscotch sauce with apple hand pies.
  50. Go to a Korean BBQ. Faro in Auckland.
  51. Try a new fruit. Tamarind in Thailand.
  52. Declutter the kitchen. Pretty before/after shots.
  53. Keep a worm farm. In a bin under the deck.
  54. Build a compost. Even better, I got a worm farm.
  55. Plant a vegetable garden A terraced pallet garden.
  56. Live on $2.25NZ per day for 5 days for charity. Yes! I raised $635 for charity.
  57. Make hollandaise sauce. Yup.
  58. Make pâtéDuck Liver, Cognac and Sage Pâté
  59. Make cheese. Halloumi and mozzarella.
  60. Make a pavlova. A roaring success.
  61. Have a burger party. We made 50 sliders!
  62. Create a piece of food art.
  63. Make ketchup or BBQ sauce. Tomato sauce win.
  64. Try a new grain. Millet is yum.
  65. Eat fish & chips somewhere glorious. Beachfront on Waitangi.
  66. Make cheesecake. Dark chocolate cheesecake.
  67. Use artichoke in something. Artichoke dip.
  68. Caprese Salad. Made with home made mozzarella.
  69. Make tzatziki. Tzatziki and two dishes that it loves.
  70. Make aioli. Creamy aioli.
  71. Bake tart tartin.
  72. Souffle something.
  73. Make a mousse.
  74. Pull pork. Hoisin pulled pork and orange pulled pork.
  75. Make a risotto. Smoked salmon risotto.
  76. Onigiri. Umeboshi and Smoked Salmon onigiri.
  77. Crème brûlée.
  78. Make a hawker dish.
  79. Dine out ethically.
  80. Bake a brownie.
  81. Buy meat from a farm. Eketahuna Country Meats.
  82. Review and cook from a cookbook.
  83. Design a cookbook. I designed, styled and photographed a cookbook for nutritionist Julie Bhosale.
  84. Bake a loaf of bread.
  85. Go vegetarian for a week.
  86. Pickle or ferment something.
  87. Eat at a Michelin star restaurant.
  88. Make a dessert from a foreign country.
  89. Cook with offal. Livers!
  90. Make Chinese tea eggs. Lovely marbled eggs for Easter.
  91. Try balut.
  92. Gorge on seafood in a coastal village/town.
  93. Ride a bicycle to a fresh food market.
  94. Visit a commercial fish market.
  95. Partake in a progressive dinner.
  96. Smoke fish.
  97. Cook a turkey.
  98. Cook a beast on a spit.
  99. Eat in France.
  100. Eat in New Orleans.


  1. 91! I will try to eat most things – but that and insects are really visually.. difficult to stomach.

  2. Hi Genie, thank you for stopping by and your likes on my blog (! You’ve a lovely blog and so much to read and learn. I’ll follow you and keep reading.

  3. re 45. host a dumpling wrapping party! Wish I could join that one when you get around to sending the invite 🙂

  4. I love your foodie bucket list! Awesome idea! The trackbacks are uber-helpful, it made me go back and read several earlier posts. Thank you for putting so much effort into making your blog thoughtful and beautiful!

  5. yuanzi0718 says

    This post is soo cool!! I will make a similar one about life, travel, food, etc!!

  6. nikibeenz says

    May I recommend making ‘Zuppe di Inglese’ the Italian idea of an English trifle for your dessert from a different country. And the perfect mid-winter feast would be to cook that turkey on your list. I roast my slowly overnight, covered in bacon and stuffed with sage and onion & sausagemeat and roast chestnut. Waking up to the scent of turkey wafting around the house is perfect. I usually do that at Christmas, but this year it is rural Otago and roast turkey with all the trimmings in July.

      • nikibeenz says

        Turkey is really easy, don’t be put off by the size of it, think of it as a big, but very tasty chicken. When you are feeling ready for it, drop me a line and I will give you some help if you like.

  7. I really like the idea of your idea of the Foodie Bucket List. I should have one too, it will probably include of a lot of equipment that I want, such as a syphon. The other item would be go dine at Heston’s The Fat Duck restaurant in England!

  8. I love this idea, and you have so many crossed off already!! I am dining in New Orleans next week, staying for 5 days with a few friends! I can’t wait try new foods and write about it when I return!

  9. lorac888890 says

    Hi, thank you for enjoying my Time for something sweet blog. I see you sure keep busy. I’ll read more later. Take care.

  10. I love this idea! And I love how you have done so many things already:) Just discovered your blog so I am having a snoop around everywhere haha. Loving it!

  11. This is a fun idea! If you ever make haloumi again you can make ricotta from the whey with extra milk and lemon juice. You are an extremely skilled photographer. Thanks for taking the time to like a post 🙂

  12. Jackie says

    I love this list. What a culinary inspiration. Thank you so much for sharing and prompting me to think about my own list!

  13. This is fantastic! I think I’m gonna have to follow along and add some food related things to my goals/bucket list!

    A dumpling wrapping party sounds interesting.

  14. Nice, creative list! I like how your writing style is fun. Your way is how people should always use bucket lists so they can go back to it and remember the good memories from achieving things on them, Thanks for the inspiration; I’m going to start making bucket lists like this now. Your comment header is very clever and cute too.

  15. If anyone thinks food is boring, just show them your foodie bucket list! Thanks for all the great ideas – your link backs are a great tool for you and us. Love the worm farm!

  16. callmetrav says

    These are great ideas. Your blog is beautifully designed and I love your content.

  17. This is awesome. I know we all have this type of list in our heads, but I appreciate you actually listing it. Also what made me laugh was #97 (make a turkey). I don’t know if its because of my nationality, age, background or whatever random reason that I created in my head, but I felt I couldn’t call myself a woman until I conquered…The Turkey! lol Please, no pressure or judgment coming from me, simply sharing my crazy humor. A few Thanksgivings ago I finally did it and BOY am I glad to have crossed that off my list. Good luck and continue to enjoy making it to #100 YOU CAN DO IT!

    • All good! Turkey isn’t a common food here in New Zealand but since growing up with American film and TV it always seemed like a culinary beast to be conquered. Hope you are doing a Turkey next week for Thanksgiving! 🦃🦃🦃

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